Willing to Love Masterclass: Couples Communication Essentials
A Live, virtual ZOOM Couples course
This is an interactive online program designed to strengthen
your relationship skills and deepen your connection.

Your participation includes guided discussions and exercises
facilitated by relationship coaches, Celeste & Michael

You will benefit from real-time support, personalized guidance
and a respectful container to practice new skills.

We believe every couple holds the potential to elevate their relationship through the practice of respectful and skillful communication skills.
We advocate the concept of being WILLING TO LOVE: 1) Embracing the power of curiosity 2) Exploring our individual histories so we can be aware of our personal triggers 3) Enhancing awareness of what empowers us to collaborate and 4) Expand a co-created vision of relationship well-being.
With your openness to receive guidance, we help you transform disagreements into constructive conversations.
Meet your coaches,
Celeste and Michael!
You’re Invited to Join the Group
Introducing Michael, coaching a couple
Our Goals:
- Develop the skill of Clear Requests when you have a complaint
- Learn the difference between Healthy Shame and Toxic Shame
- Practice self-compassion and positive appreciations for yourself and your partner
- Learn to use Time-Outs when you or your partner are flooded with emotion or shutting down
- Speak your truth so your partner can hear you and you can be heard
- Use humor, tone and word choice to create a safe place for supportive conversations
- Get the cure for Resentments: How to Repair after a Fight
Masterclass Topics Covered:
Your Vision and Goals for Lasting Relationship Success
Your Brain on Love – what is a Relational Mindset?
Turning Judgments and Criticism into Clear Requests
Learning about your protective stance on the Relationship Grid
Being a Team and Managing external interference (called “3rds”)
How to outwit sabotaging behaviors with self-compassion
Stress management and Mindfulness as a couple
Two Sundays – June 2 and 9, 2024
12:00 – 4:30 pm MDT
Full-Color PDF Class Workbook
Class Tuition
$647 per couple
Couple Feedback